


“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” -Acts 1:8

The Sacrament of Confirmation is the third Sacrament of Initiation in which the Holy Spirit confers His gifts through the anointing by the Bishop (or delegated priest) with the Sacred Chrism in order to strengthen the confirmandi (those being confirmed) to be more faithful witnesses to Christ and their faith and to participate more fully in the evangelical mission of the Church. It is in this sacrament in which the confirmandi, after years of being formed in their faith, now make the Profession of Faith, which was made for them at their Baptism, on their own.

This, by no means, ends the formation of the Christian in their faith, but is a renewal of their commitment to learn and grow in their faith, aided by the gifts given to them by the Holy Spirit. To help them continue in their formation, the confirmandi choose sponsors to help guide them as they continue to grow in faith. When choosing a sponsor, Canon Law requires most of the same qualifications for godparents in Baptism: that they be a practicing, confirmed Catholic of good and moral standing and that they be at least 16 years of age. In the event that a sponsor is unable to attend the actual Confirmation, the confirmandi must find a proxy with the same qualifications previously mentioned. A Letter of Eligibility is required in order to become a sponsor.

The preparation for Confirmation usually occurs during the 8th grade year. But, in some cases, there are adults who have not received the Sacrament. In this case, those individuals would go through our RCIA program.  

If you would like more information about receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact the Religious Education Office at or at 856-629-6142 ext. 132. You can also visit the Religious Education Confirmation Page.